Do you know there are approximately 10,000 species of birds present on the earth? They are different in size and shape from the small bee hummingbird to the largest ostrich have respect because of their size. The biggest birds in the world set an example of ecological balance, survival strategies, and the challenges they face. This biggest bird has denser bones and heavier bodies.
Here are the Top 6 Biggest Birds in the World
1. Common Ostrich

Common Ostrich or simply ostrich is a species of flightless bird that is native to Africa. It is scientifically known as Struthio camelus. This bird holds the title of the largest and heaviest bird currently existing on Earth. They can reach up to 0 feet tall with long necks and legs. This huge bird has remarkable running abilities, achieving impressive speeds of 45 miles per hour. Common Ostrich are omnivorous and are known for their inquisitive and social nature. They lay the biggest eggs each one weighing about 3 pounds.
2. Somali Ostrich

The Somali Ostrich is also known as the blue-necked ostrich. It is a large flightless bird native to the Horn of Africa. They wear regal blue-gray necks and legs. Somali ostriches are like fancy cousins of regular ostriches. This bird was considered a subspecies of the common ostrich until 2014. However, in 2014 it was recognized as a separate species. The males are larger than the females.
3. Emu

The emu is the third largest bird in the world. Its scientific name is Dromis Novahollandia. They are flightless birds. This bird is fast too and can reach 48 kilometres per hour. They use their three-toed feet while having small wings that keep them stable when running. The female species are larger in comparison to the male species. They have soft, brown feathers with long necks and legs, and can reach up to 1.9 m. Emu can live weeks without eating.
4. Southern Cassowary

Southern Cassowary is also known as Australian cassowary, two-wattled cassowary, or double-wattled cassowary. They are 6 feet tall and weigh as much as 190 pounds. This bird is a large flightless black bird, found in Indonesia, north-eastern Australia, and New Guinea places. The southern cassowary is claimed to be the most dangerous bird in the world. This bird has large feet and sharp 13-centimeter claws that they use to kick out in defense of any other large bird. It has also been known to kill humans. However, Cassowaries are most closely related to the kiwis.
5. Dalmatian Pelican

Dalmatian is the largest member of the pelican family. They are the world’s largest freshwater bird. It weighs about 15 kg and reaches nearly 12 feet. Dalmatian Pelican is usually found in rivers, lakes, and estuaries in the region of Southeastern Europe, Russia, India, and China. They feed on fish. These are social birds, living mainly in cluster foam.
6. Mute Swan and Trumpeter Swan

Mute Swan is a species of swan and a member of the waterfowl family Anatidae. They are native to Eurasia and north of Africa. The mute swan and trumpeter swan have similar structures, heights, and weights. Mute and Trumpeter swans are known as the two heaviest flying birds in the world. Both are beautiful. However, they have a dark side, when they defend their families or territories. Mute swans are not entirely mute but less vocal than other swan species. Trumpeter Swans are known for their loud, trumpet-like calls and their strong, monogamous pair bonds.