As wedding cake is very much essential for your special day. You always think to have not only be beautiful cake, but also delicious. Here are great tips to help you hone down the best wedding cake design to suit the style of your wedding and other useful handy hints to make sure your wedding cake looks just as beautiful as you.
1. Consider Number of Guests
When you are planning for your wedding cake you should also consider the cake size. You can ask your baker and recommend you to about how many layers the cake should have in order to serve the number of anticipated guests. Don’t make the mistake of ordering a huge wedding cake if you planning small wedding. As without knowing the number of guests the cake will end up getting thrown away.
2. Find your baker
It is very much important to select a bakery that has recived great reviews. You can also take some recommendation from frends or family. Attending wedding fairs is another route. There is an opportunity for the couples to meet local bakers and see and sample cake without having to commit to a private consultation.
3. Consider the cost
The cost of a wedding cake is determined by the complexity of the design and the number of servings needed. Wedding cakes aren’t cheap. You can do some research and set yourself a reasonable budget to get the wedding cake you feel happy with. If you want to go with sugar flowers then it will spike the costs because they are handcrafted, time consuming and expensive.
4. Think carefully about design
Make sure to select your cake after you’ve styled your wedding dress. This way you will be absolutely clear about the style of wedding cake that will fit into your wonderful celebration. You can also look through the sample cakes the baker has created to get a sense of their style.
5. Taste the cake
You sholud always taste the flavours you actually want in wedding cake, particually if you haven’t used this cake baker before. you may call your and ask when you can come in for a tasting. You have to decide the flavor of the cake, as well as filling and frosting. You want your wedding cake to taste just as good as it looks.
6. Create a delivery plan for your wedding day
Wedding cake delivery needs coordination, make sure to discuss all the details with your baker before the wedding day. Usually on wedding day deliveries are set at two hours prior to event time for cakes. You should also give time to do any repairs, touch-ups or additions if needed.